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    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    I Moved to WordPress

    I moved to a self-hosted WordPress platform over which I have more control.

    The new blog site is here:

    This will be the last post to this blogspot hosted account.

    Jumping Ship ... Migrating to WordPress

    Not even a full week into blogging on and I'm feeling the limitations. Last night I spent about 4 hours messing with WordPress and am severely impressed.

    I just wanted to post a note about my intentions to move so too many new people don't spend the time to sign up and connect to this blog, only to have to do it again. I'll still be connected to Twitter and will likely be starting a Facebook account to connect with people who use that. Give me another night or two and I'll have it all up and running.

    I solemly promise not to change platforms again unless I really really want to. And now, I'm off in search of a taco ...